RYAN'S GIG GUIDE MARCH 2015 - page 6

RGG March 2015 - p.6
Sex sells they say but does it always work
in rock music? Sexual themes in songs if done
right can possibly show a raunchy side of your
band improve a tired image or generate
publicity but it can sometimes backfire
horribly Lately everyone seems to be talking
about sex because a certain film based on a
book written by a dyslexic throwback has hit
the cinemas; so I thought I'd spice up this
month's column I'm also considering making
my own film called "Fifty Shades of Brown"
about a rich shit eating tycoon called Andrex
Brown who runs a successful toilet roll
manufacturing business and corrupts a naïve
young college student called Diarrheabella
who has a part time job at a sausage factory
Anyway let's talk music
Remember the song "Evil Dick" by the band
Bodycount? One teenager in the
's or
basically me who played that tune on their CD
player (ancient device used to broadcast
music) often had to sprint to the volume
reduction button during the bridge section of
the track for fear of the seconds of loud
simulated sex noises within it blasting out of
the bedroom and then after I suppose I
listened to their less controversial song "Cop
Killer" on maximum volume At the time my
reason for finding the song uncomfortable was
the thought of me being caught listening to
pornography rather than watching it
Watching porn and being caught was
something I could possibly explain to my
parents but being caught listening to erotic
noises without any imagery would have just
been weird Even weirder was that it was
Ice T making most of the racket I can't have
been the only one; I've never heard anyone
mention the song but there's a great guitar riff
in it
American band Korn in
released the single
A D I D A S an acronym for "All day I dream
about sex"; the chorus of the tune It made a
German sportswear manufacturer seem sexy
for some bizarre reason along with temporarily
making residents from Liverpool council
housing estates appear fashionable but it was
enough to land their album "Life Is Peachy" at
number of the Billboard album charts The
song was a success sex in a song title without
it actually being there; it was just an initial 'S'
really The thing is though I've never thought
the title made sense; shouldn't it have been
"All night I dream about sex"? I myself
normally dream at night but I guess
A N I D A S wouldn't have sold many sports
shoes; well unless it was an imitation shoe sold
at PoundLand Perhaps the song was about a
person in a coma or someone working a
nightshift and that's why they were dreaming
during the day? I dunno but this was a very
clever way of using sex to sell a tune
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