RGG January 2015 - p.7
rehearsal with more confidence How easy is it
for the guitar player to quickly video him or
herself performing a chunk of the song on their
iPhone and then send it to them? Another part
of time management; if you work with a team
of other musicians then try making things easier
for yourselves
Playing a computer game is one of the most time
consuming activities you can engage in and
many musicians spend more hours pissing away
their lives on games like Guitar Hero than
playing their own real guitar You know that
thrill you get when you complete a level of a
game? Well why not see real life as a computer
generated world? Imagine there are twelve
levels we’ll call the first one January The aim of
the game is to replace mundane parts of your
existence with things relating to your ambitions
in life Then when you achieve something in the
real world you can celebrate in reality too For
many of us the beginning of a year means going
back to work and that often conjures up a feeling
of dread or entrapment but it doesn't mean you
should forget or dismiss your dreams and goals
Yes finding time to be creative can be hard
getting your music heard can seem like an
impossible task The mainstream music industry
seems designed to hate you and being a legend
only in your own mind can be disheartening but
you must believe in yourself and your talent
otherwise you'll never know how great you
could have become
Happy New Year and make it a good one
concerns at all I did it purely to give me more
tim Time not spent walking to the store to buy
tobacco or rizla every night time not spent
outside in the cold with a cigarette in my mouth
thinking about what I could do if I wasn't busy
smoking A common thing people ask when
quitting smoking is "What do I do with my
hands?" Well playing guitar more doing press
ups and having sex are possibilities but I would
suggest you replace the smoking time with
positive activities that you wish you had more
time for Another thing I did recently was
analyse my travelling I use trains about four or
five days a week and that's about an hour each
way sat with other passengers who wouldn't
dare talk to me even if I had a gun pointed to
my own head and yelled "Please say hello and I
won't pull the trigger" Now there's only so
much you can do on a train but I figured I could
use this time more constructively by finally
using that pull down table attached to the seat
in front of me I surprised the lady sat next to
me by whipping the following items out of my
large jet black military of defence style
backpack: a set of ink pens an A sketch pad
and some tracing paper What was I doing?
Designing a storyboard for a music video
writing lyrics illustrating artwork and anything
else that came to mind Interestingly enough
since I've begun doing this on trains all those
seated nearby now often try engaging in
conversation and gaze at me like I'm sucking on
the last ever lollypop
We have all this technology around us which we
don't make use of half the time I overheard two
members of a young band talking about their
next band practice; one was a singer and the
other was a drummer Both were discussing a
new tune they had to learn and that they
wished they knew what the guitarist was
playing so that they could go into their next
The time you enjoy wasting
Is not time wasted.
-Bertrand Russell
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...40