RYAN'S GIG GUIDE January 2018 - page 8

Jan 2018 - p.8
That paragraph you read just before this one is
arguably an example of PR. Basically I want to
give the impression that I'm a sarcastic smug
smart ass know-it-all writer, but at the same time
demonstrate an
I don't give a shit attitude
simultaneously offering professional career
advice. Effective PR can give a total stranger a
lot of info. and potentially reveal how you tick to
your hardened fans. This second paragraph
reveals my transparent honesty and loyalty to
the reader.
Anything published or broadcast to the public
describing your actions, behaviour, life or your
music behaves as PR. This could be a radio
interview, an article in a magazine, a music
review, a blog, a news piece in a tabloid or even
something relatively simple such as a brand
new photograph or image. Each of these convey
a coded message to the public and what you
present can say more than you may realise.
If people warm to you in the same way they
follow a top soap opera, then hopefully they will
fondly remember you as long as you provide
good reason.
Let's imagine you're a singer songwriter and
you've posted a photograph of you sat in your
bedroom, mixing your next tune, and you're
using this as your main photo. You may
rightfully be extremely proud of this, but you're
also automatically telling your audience that you
are a bedroom musician - whether that is your
intention or not. Now this isn't a bad thing, but
perhaps you don't really want that image or
public perception at all? Maybe a photograph of
you playing live on stage or a pose taken in
a professional photography studio would help to
enhance your career and public image? Even
better, make something artistic. PR is really
everything that you are prepared to make
public. Providing evidence of your music career
moving forward is for some reason, rather
important to those who you inspire. You might
believe you're already doing formidably well and
insist on telling everyone about it yourself, but a
This month folks we're delving into the world of PR in music. What is it?
What does it do? Is it important? Does it mean spending less time looking
at boobs and have you got to do anything? PR or Public relations is the
way you communicate with the general public and if executed correctly,
then it could be a good formula for improving or maintaining your
reputation. I'm sure your band has already successfully conquered the
entire planet several times and regularly whips peasants in order to polish
gold statues of yourselves - so there's no real reason for you to read any
further - but just in case you are in need of some career advice, then please
read on.
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