Does this mean that like Miley you can now
legally smoke crack in an MTV studio? Are we
all equal? Or was there no charge because like
the story the spliff wasn't real? Was this
staged? Arguably a possibility If not then why
didn't the newspapers go to town on her and
why were authorities so relaxed about her?
Perhaps because this may have been a staged
and planned showbiz stunt If this was soley
Miley's genius then what exactly did it achieve?
Well she got the headlines but at what cost to
her public image? Considering her previous
dignified "twerking" phenomenon it just looked
a little desperate
Breaking the rules of watershed is a definite
way to make headline news Lily Allen got BBC
Radio into hot water with Ofcom in May
at the Big Weekend festival in Glasgow by
offering a foul mouthed live set before pm
They say all publicity is good publicity; I'm not
so sure When you see established artists
behaving like this it just makes me wonder
whether the promoters were better off giving
the gig to bands
like Cancerslug
Anal Cunt or
RGG November 2014 - p.7
Swearing in music has been pretty much
exhausted it just doesn't have the same impact
as it once did When you hear top names
swearing their heads off over nothing then it
becomes bland At least when the band Rage
Against The Machine made a point about using
bad language they did it in a political and
inspiring way
Television Talent shows are part of the TV guide
section as you'd expect but in recent times they
have somehow also become the news Often it's
a story about a ratings war between two TV
channels fighting to have the dumbest show a
judge having a tantrum over another judge's
judgement which conflicts with theirs a
shocking discovery about a contestant being a
former Turkish brothel owner or simply just an
arsehole of some kind; and most commonly a
double page spread investigating which finalists
have had Simon Cowell's grey ball sack in their
mouth I'm still waiting for a headline to appear
which explains why shit mysteriously oozes out
of television sets on a Saturday night and why
we need to read about it
It's all arse about face In the past the public
would hear a tune that they liked and would go
"That's great who is this?" then they'd find out
more in the news when the song becomes a big
hit later on other stories would emerge about
their history that they ripped off someone were
tutored or had a crazy manager then there'd be
some kind of sex scandal where you'd read about
them having an affair then their career goes
mental and both they and their songs become
legendary Now it's all in reverse you get the sex
scandal first; the TV talent show judge hits the
headlines for screwing the barely known show
contestant in a taxi you read about the already
famous judge who swears it's all about the
music the contestant later wins the talent show
or gets booted out and then their career turns to
dust before they've had chance to write one
original song Meanwhile the judge then
announces "Guess what? I've got an album
myself coming out please download it thanks
for watching"
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...40